There’s nothing like a BLT, or Bacon Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich. Unless you don’t like bacon or pork or you are a vegetarian. What do you do then? That’s where...
Steak is a popular and delicious summer recipe, which is really good all year round. This recipe for Marinated Steak adds flavor and well, slightly tenderizes the steak. But don’t...
Pasta salads are my mainstay during the hot summer months. I don’t like to grill when it’s hot outside, because I think that standing in front of a 500°F grill...
Grilled sandwiches are one of the best joys in life. There’s something magical about combining bread with butter and cheese and heating it until the bread is crisp and toasty...
I know you’ve eaten the famous Broccoli Bacon salad; you know, the one with the grapes (or raisins) and sweet creamy dressing? That’s a fabulous salad, but I’ve come up...
Chicken Riggies is a specialty recipe from the Utica, New York region. It’s a creamy casserole made from rigatoni pasta, chicken, hot peppers, bell peppers, and Parmesan cheese in a...
Apple Pecan Chicken Cranberry Salad is a wonderful recipe that bridges the seasons of summer and fall. It’s a cold main dish salad perfect for hot summer days, but the...
I don’t usually make burgers at home, mostly for food safety reasons. Grilling burgers can be tricky, and it’s difficult to make sure that the entire burger is safely cooked....
If you know anything about me, you know I love mustard. There’s something about the spicy, tangy flavor I have adored since I was a child. So naturally I try...