Chicken and curry go together like, well, peanut butter and jelly. The moist and tender chicken is perfectly accented by the warm and spicy flavors of curry. And this easy...
I love Tex Mex food, especially this recipe for Beef and Bean Burritos, and have ever since my family took a vacation to Texas and Mexico in the early 1970s....
This fabulous and huge casserole recipe for Pizza Spaghetti Style has been in my repertoire for decades. My mom found the original recipe; I don’t know where. It may have...
For one of the best lunch box meals ever, try making my wonderful BLT Wrap Sandwiches. These delicious sammies can be made ahead of time and placed in an insulated...
I have always loved wild rice, and I love the combination of chicken with that ingredient. This cool and flavorful Chicken Wild Rice Salad is perfect for the hottest summer...
I first tasted this fabulous Salmon Bacon Sandwich at a restaurant in my home town. The combination of smooth and nutty salmon with super crisp and salty bacon and tangy...
Skillet meals are some of the easiest recipes for dinner. All you need is a skillet, a stovetop, and some simple ingredients to make a fabulous entree in a hurry....
Blueberry Ham Pasta Salad is one of my favorite recipes to make in the last summer and early fall. The only produce it uses is celery and blueberries, which are...
Oh will this summer never end!! It’s almost October and the highs have been near 90°F this week. I don’t really like summer because I don’t like heat and humidity....
Eternity has been described as “a ham and two people.” Leftover ham can be a problem, especially after Easter or Christmas, but there are so many wonderful ways to use...