Pasta salads are my mainstay during the hot summer months. I don’t like to grill when it’s hot outside, because I think that standing in front of a 500°F grill...
I love coffeecake. I have eaten many different types of coffeecake, and have made many. But this is the ultimate coffeecake recipe. Chocolate Chip Streusel Coffeecake is the best I...
Chicken Riggies is a specialty recipe from the Utica, New York region. It’s a creamy casserole made from rigatoni pasta, chicken, hot peppers, bell peppers, and Parmesan cheese in a...
Apple Pecan Chicken Cranberry Salad is a wonderful recipe that bridges the seasons of summer and fall. It’s a cold main dish salad perfect for hot summer days, but the...
If you know anything about me, you know I love mustard. There’s something about the spicy, tangy flavor I have adored since I was a child. So naturally I try...
Everybody loves ice cream, but there are only so many times you can just scoop it out into a bowl and eat it. (Although those times are very nice.) For...
Buffalo Chicken Salad is a delicious riff on Buffalo Chicken, that appetizer made of chicken wings fried and dipped in hot sauce, served with a blue cheese dip and celery....
This fabulous recipe for Cabbage Tortellini Blue Cheese Salad was created, believe it or not, by some bad spinach. I judged a Wisconsin Cheese recipe contest some years ago and...
There’s something about adding pecans to chicken salad that elevates the dish to a new level. Whole pecans add crunch, flavor, and texture to this sweet and tart salad that...
Nothing says summer like fresh corn (although you can make this recipe with frozen corn – just don’t tell anybody). July is really the earliest you can get fresh corn...