Of all the things I cook in the air fryer, I think that smashed potatoes are best. This fabulous recipe for Crispy Air Fryer Smashed Potatoes is to easy and...
Parmesan Green Beans is a super simple, beautiful, and delicious side dish recipe that takes just minutes to prepare. It’s a great side dish for a roast chicken, meatloaf, or...
Baked Pineapple is a delicious and old-fashioned side dish recipe that is perfect served alongside baked ham or a roast chicken. This casserole is easy to make and everyone loves...
Roasted Brussels sprouts. Just that term can evoke intense feelings. Many baby boomers have vivid memories of sitting at the dinner table staring at those little cabbages on their plates,...
This recipe was the source of my first married argument. I made these Anna’s Potatoes along with a roasted chicken for dinner when we were first married. Then my new...
For Thanksgiving and Christmas, side dishes seem rather neglected. People usually serve something like that old green bean casserole, or some creamed peas. Try this recipe for Cheesy Broccoli Carrot...
Everyone is trying to eat healthy, but many things often get in the way – life, for instance. When you’re rushed it’s easy to just drive to the fast food...
Scalloped potatoes is the traditional side dish to ham, which is traditionally served at Easter. There are so many recipes for this dish, ranging from the type made with a...
Did you know that adding butter to certain vegetables makes more of the nutrients available? Buttering carrots, for instance, makes the vitamin A in that vegetable more available. Plus it...