About Linda’s Best Recipes

Welcome to Linda’s Best Recipes! This is my first real blog, even though I have had a presence on the web since 2002. I have always been hesitant to start my own blog because I was so busy writing the 52 cook books (plus Medical Ethics for Dummies) I have written since 2005. The focus of the site is changing as of March 2019! I have decided to narrow the focus to feature the science of baking and cooking. I am putting my education in food science to work in a new way.
After all, knowing exactly how and why the ingredients in a recipe combine and work is the key to being a good cook and baker. If you know why a recipe calls for baking powder instead of baking soda, your cookies and bars and cakes will be better. If you know how to stop pasta from boiling over on the stovetop, you’ll have a better time in the kitchen.
The recipes will still be wonderful. I still will not add tons of text and pictures to get in the way of focusing on the recipe. When I see a great picture of a recipe, I want to find out how it is made. Right now. Scrolling through pictures of cute kids helping in the kitchen, plus wading through pictures of the steps in the recipe is not what I want. So I won’t do that.
Unless there is some specific reason to show you the steps in a recipe, I won’t do it. I think that explaining steps in the recipe instructions is much more clear and simple. Plus, you get to decide if you like the recipe more quickly!
I have been involved in food for 50 years (and no, I’m not 75; I got started very young!). I started cooking at the age of 7, and was reading cookbooks at that time too. I have a collection of more than 2,000 cookbooks, which I read like novels. And I have logged a good amount of time in the kitchen, professional test kitchens, and in photo studios, not to mention hours spent at the computer.
So when I say these are Linda’s “best recipes” you can believe it! They are not always healthy, and they are not always trendy, but they will always be delicious. And foolproof with my food science tips. Try some and have a good time in your kitchen.
If you have questions about a recipe or want to reach me to work with me, you can contact me at linda@lindasbestrecipes.com.