Buffalo Chicken Salad is a delicious riff on Buffalo Chicken, that appetizer made of chicken wings fried and dipped in hot sauce, served with a blue cheese dip and celery....
This fabulous recipe for Cabbage Tortellini Blue Cheese Salad was created, believe it or not, by some bad spinach. I judged a Wisconsin Cheese recipe contest some years ago and...
There’s something about adding pecans to chicken salad that elevates the dish to a new level. Whole pecans add crunch, flavor, and texture to this sweet and tart salad that...
Pasta Fagioli (colloquially known as Pasta Fazool) is an Italian soup that is rich with vegetables, beans, and pasta. The recipe title translates to “pasta and beans.” That combination may...
Grilling is an American summer pastime. We grill everything from appetizers to desserts. Most people grill simple foods like burgers and sausages. It is possible to grill an entire meal!...
The famous salad of broccoli with bacon and grapes has been around for a while. While this salad is delicious, I wanted to stretch it a bit and make it...
Cheesy Turkey Burgers is a delicious and simple grilled recipe that combines ground turkey, bacon, lots of cheese, avocados, and mayo on a toasted onion bun (I prefer Pepperidge Farm)....
Grilled Chicken Tandoori Salad is not in my usual repertoire. It’s spicier and more exotic than the foods I usually cook, and certainly different from the salads I make every...
Most people are familiar with beef burgers, chicken burgers, and turkey burgers. But salmon burgers are still a bit of an outlier. They shouldn’t be! I love them because they...
Main dish salads are my staples for summer. But I don’t always want a chilled salad; sometimes something warm is perfect, especially on a cool summer evening. This recipe for...