Fettuccine with Sausage and Bell Peppers is one of my favorite fall meals. It’s simple but full of flavor, and it’s easy to make. You can use any type of...
Tex-Mex Guacamole Burger is a fabulous and easy twist on the classic American burger. This colorful recipe adds refried beans, taco sauce, and chili powder to the meat itself, which...
Before we get to this recipe for Cheesy Avocado Burger, some food safety lessons. This won’t take long. I think it’s difficult to make burgers at home for a few...
I don’t usually make burgers at home, mostly for food safety reasons. Grilling burgers can be tricky, and it’s difficult to make sure that the entire burger is safely cooked....
This fabulous recipe for Cabbage Tortellini Blue Cheese Salad was created, believe it or not, by some bad spinach. I judged a Wisconsin Cheese recipe contest some years ago and...
Cheesy Turkey Burgers is a delicious and simple grilled recipe that combines ground turkey, bacon, lots of cheese, avocados, and mayo on a toasted onion bun (I prefer Pepperidge Farm)....
I am always thinking of new ways to combine favorite ingredients. In fact, this is a great way to use up food you already have in the house and will...
It’s cold and blustery outside, typical for a Midwestern winter So of course I am thinking of the most comforting and warming foods. One of the best – and cheapest –...
I have always loved the combination of ground beef, tomato sauce, pasta, and some type of creamy cheesy sauce. The very first was Sicilian Supper, which uses elbow macaroni in...