Roasted Brussels sprouts. Just that term can evoke intense feelings. Many baby boomers have vivid memories of sitting at the dinner table staring at those little cabbages on their plates,...
During the holiday season, appetizers are necessary for many parties. I myself like to make an entire meal of appetizers, and a collection of great munchies is perfect for an...
I always have many, many containers of frozen No Name Wild Rice Meatballs in my freezer. If I have fewer than three boxes I start to feel insecure. I use...
Apple Crisp is a traditional recipe for fall, and I think it’s perfect for a first day of school treat. This old-fashioned recipe for The Best Apple Crisp has been...
This recipe for Ham Filo Roll is a great use for leftovers after Easter and Christmas when you have a lot of ham on hand. Crunchy layers of filo, or...
Corned Beef Hash is the leftover after St. Patrick’s Day Corned Beef. This hash is special – lots of little potatoes are fried until very crisp and combined with tender...
This adorable little appetizer recipe for Phyllo Meatball Cups is as simple as can be, but so delicious. It uses just five ingredients and tastes like so much more than...
Pizza is now a classic American food, in spite of the fact that it originated in Italy. Everyone has a recipe for pizza, and there are countless variations. However, this...
Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian recipe made with chicken coated with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese (natch), then sautéed and usually served with a red sauce. I omit the...
This recipe was the source of my first married argument. I made these Anna’s Potatoes along with a roasted chicken for dinner when we were first married. Then my new...