Grilled sandwiches are one of the best joys in life. There’s something magical about combining bread with butter and cheese and heating it until the bread is crisp and toasty...
Most people are very particular about their burgers. They are picky about the meat they use, the way the burgers are formed, what’s added to them, and how they are...
Grilled cheese sandwiches are one of the first things beginning cooks learn to make. All you need is a pan, bread, cheese, and butter! And sometimes you just need a...
Spring is here! Well, at least the calendar says so. In the upper Midwest, the weather rarely cooperates. Most Easters, for instance, are cold and snowy, and there just aren’t...
Now that the kids are back in school, it’s time to think about lunchbox sandwiches. No doubt your children have their favorites. And if they bring their lunch to school,...
While most people agree that steaks are best when cooked over coals, not everyone has a grill or even wants to grill (include me in that last group). I just...
I love cinnamon rolls and have been making them for decades. There’s nothing better for a special breakfast or brunch, especially during the holiday season. The bigger the better. I...
It’s hard to believe that twelve years ago, almost no one knew what an air fryer was. That now iconic appliance was introduced in the U.S. in 2010 by Philips...
I am always looking for recipes that use English muffins. I think they are the perfect base for any type of sandwich. Have you ever had a burger on an...
Bark, in food, refers to a combination of chocolate and other ingredients melted together and spread into a thin layer. The candy is then broken into pieces and devoured. This...