Christmas Cookies!

It’s that time of the year! Christmas cookies are the best part of the holiday. There’s no need for any other dessert for any Christmas meal: cookies are it.
Everyone has their own collection of Christmas cookies, of course. This one has been carefully curated through the years by me and my family. We always have these cookies every Christmas, with no exceptions whatsoever.
Peanut Sitting-Pretties, Peanut Blossoms, Chocolate Peanut Butter Bonbons (I see a peanut theme here) and Roll Out Cookies are always on the menu. Although I have to modify that claim, since I have turned the Peanut Blossoms into bar cookies. They are much easier to make that way and just as delicious. In fact, the Peanut Blossom Bar Cookies are better because they are made with peanut butter cups instead of chocolate kisses!
So here are the classic Christmas Cookie recipes:
Chocolate Peanut Butter Bonbons
This homemade candy recipe is perfect. The addition of chopped dates may sound strange, but that ingredients adds a fabulous depth of flavor.
Peanut Sitting-Pretties Cookies
These wonderful and delicious cookies are fussy to make, but they are so good. Use Christmas colored-candies for this holiday.
These fabulous little cookies are so delicious. In my version, they are made with all butter and have less flour so they are more tender.
I transformed the above recipe into this wonderful bar cookie. They are spectacular. Plus, adding more chocolate and peanut butter in the form of peanut butter cups elevates this recipe to a new realm.
These little rich shortbread cookies are so simple to make and are a great addition to a cookie tray.
This recipe comes from Land O’Lakes, since I don’t make this recipe. My sister Lisa does. And she manages to make the cookies so thin and incredibly tender at the same time. I don’t know how she does it!
And here are more cookie and candy recipes I make from time to time for Christmas that are perfectly luscious:
This classic recipe combines homemade butter pecan sauce with chocolate and caramel.
This is another recipe where I changed a shaped cookie into a bar cookie. It’s fabulous.
Another homemade candy! I love how this candy melts in your mouth.
This old fashioned classic Norwegian recipe is more like a quick bread, but it belongs on a cookie tray.
This two ingredient homemade candy is simply spectacular. If you are afraid of eating toffee because it’s so hard (like me), try this recipe!
Starlight Mint Chocolate Cookies
This fabulous recipe is a must for every Christmas. Chocolate mints are wrapped in a crisp brown sugar cookie dough. Yum.
Homemade caramel is so much better than any commercial candy. Try this one and see.
Black and White Peppermint Bark
Bark candies are perfect for the holidays because they are so delicious and so simple to make. Enjoy every bite.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Chewy Bars
This spectacular bar cookie starts with – Nutter Butters! It’s hard to believe but that cookie is used instead of flour. The bars melt in your mouth.
What could make brownies better? Add a candy topping of course!
Another two ingredient candy recipe that tastes like so much more than the sum of its parts.
Fudgy Layered Peanut Butter Bars
This recipe is another spectacular bar cookie recipe that starts with cookie dough and tops it with two kinds of frosting and chopped peanuts.
So bookmark these Christmas cookie recipes and try something new this Christmas.