The famous salad of broccoli with bacon and grapes has been around for a while. While this salad is delicious, I wanted to stretch it a bit and make it...
Cheesy Turkey Burgers is a delicious and simple grilled recipe that combines ground turkey, bacon, lots of cheese, avocados, and mayo on a toasted onion bun (I prefer Pepperidge Farm)....
Strawberry Shortcake is a classic Southern recipe made of biscuits that are topped with strawberries and sweetened whipped cream. I have never liked this recipe, since I grew up with...
Most people are familiar with beef burgers, chicken burgers, and turkey burgers. But salmon burgers are still a bit of an outlier. They shouldn’t be! I love them because they...
This fabulous frozen dessert recipe for Peanut Brownie Parfait Bars is one of my best ever. It’s insanely rich so you have to serve it in small squares, making it...
I invented Creamy Grape and Bacon Salad because I glanced quickly at a picture and misunderstood what it was about. The grape salad I saw had a creamy dressing, and...
Chicken sandwiches are so evocative to me. They conjure up pictures of dainty women’s teas, with little sandwiches with the crusts cut off. But chicken sandwiches can range from tiny little...
This refreshing and gorgeous side dish salad is the perfect thing to serve alongside a grilled steak or pork loin. Cucumbers and melons are both vine fruits, and they complement...
Chicken salad is a classic. You probably have a recipe for it yourself. But there are some secrets to making the best chicken salad. It must be flavorful and moist....