If you love chicken pot pie, but wish it had more crust, this recipe for Chicken Streusel Casserole is the recipe for you! Some cheesy crumbles are baked until they...
This super simple and delicious recipe for Graham Cracker Sandwiches is one my family made a lot when I was young. We lived out in the country, so going to...
Before we get to the recipe for Creamy Stuffed Pasta Shells, I have a problem. I love cream cheese, and it seems that many people do not. I’ll never understand...
This adorable little appetizer recipe for Phyllo Meatball Cups is as simple as can be, but so delicious. It uses just five ingredients and tastes like so much more than...
While guacamole is a very simple recipe, it does need some fine tuning. Many people add lots of ingredients to their recipes, but I think the simpler the better. I...
Baked Risotto with Meatballs is a fabulous recipe. But first, a little history. The first time I made risotto was long before anyone in the Midwest could buy basmati rice....
As a chocoholic, I have tried many, many fudge recipes over the years. There is super quick fudge, which you make by melting together chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk....
Chicken Parmesan is a classic Italian recipe made with chicken coated with bread crumbs and Parmesan cheese (natch), then sautéed and usually served with a red sauce. I omit the...
This recipe was the source of my first married argument. I made these Anna’s Potatoes along with a roasted chicken for dinner when we were first married. Then my new...
Have you ever said something that you thought was a sophisticated answer to a question, but it wasn’t? Bear with me. There’s a story behind these Carmelita Brownies. I have...