Creamy Pesto Sliders are delicious little mini burgers topped with cream cheese and pesto. In this recipe, the mini buns are cut from the top instead of the side; it...
Everyone knows about this bar cookie recipe for Oatmeal Carmelitas, which was in the Pillsbury Bake-Off in 1967. Believe it or not, it did not win the Grand Prize! That...
Okay, this isn’t the prettiest recipe in my collection, but it may be the most satisfying. Tater Tot Hot Dish is a classic Midwestern recipe that usually combines ground beef,...
The story of My Special Pizza starts when we lived in a different city. There was a wonderful pizza place that made what they called New York Pizza. It had...
Brie and Cranberry Cups is a wonderful little appetizer recipe that is perfect for entertaining. It’s simple to make, delicious to eat, and impressive to serve. All you need is...
Peanut Blossom Cookies are my husband’s favorite cookie. He asks for it every Christmas; the little cookies look wonderful on a cookie tray. They are the perfect combination of chocolate...
Parmesan Green Beans is a super simple, beautiful, and delicious side dish recipe that takes just minutes to prepare. It’s a great side dish for a roast chicken, meatloaf, or...
This is the most wonderful recipe for Christmas. It’s traditional in my family, and one of us has to make it every year. The recipe takes a bit of doing,...
Creamy Hot Artichoke Dip is a wonderfully easy and festive recipe that is perfect for the holidays. It’s kind of like the classic recipe, but with additions that make it...