Chicken sandwiches are so evocative to me. They conjure up pictures of dainty women’s teas, with little sandwiches with the crusts cut off. But chicken sandwiches can range from tiny little...
Chicken salad is a classic. You probably have a recipe for it yourself. But there are some secrets to making the best chicken salad. It must be flavorful and moist....
Most people are very particular about their burgers. They are picky about the meat they use, the way the burgers are formed, what’s added to them, and how they are...
I love chicken salad. And coleslaw. And sunflower seeds. So why not put all of them together? This recipe for Chicken Sunflower Coleslaw is a fresh and super easy main dish...
The delicious and perfect Chicken Salad Sliders are simple to make, but must follow my strict rules. They are perfect for parties, lunch on the porch, or a snack.
There’s nothing like a chicken salad in the spring and summer. There are so many different combinations of this type of salad. My favorites include the fruits of spring and...
Swiss Eggs is a delicious casserole of eggs and sausage and cheese that feeds a crowd. This is the recipe I always requested after I had been sick as a...
I am always thinking of new ways to combine favorite ingredients. In fact, this is a great way to use up food you already have in the house and will...